Monday, March 5, 2012

I should probably start out by telling you, I have three kids.  One is a 15 year old boy, and the other two are dogs.

When my son was 1 ½, we got him his first sibling, a beautiful little Black Lab/Border Collie mix.  We named her Pepper.  She was the perfect puppy, loving, sweet and so gentle.  Her and our son formed a bond so close, they could only be separated when he was at school.

Our third child was adopted 7 years later.  A bouncing baby boy we named Piston.  Our 3 month old German Sheppard/Red Healer mix was the sweetest little guy ever.  A little Mama’s boy, I love it!

For 7 years, we had what seemed to be the perfect family.  But the years can sneak up on you so quickly, especially if you’re a dog.  Our beautiful little girl’s health was declining.  We tried everything possible, but it was no use, and we made the horrible decision to lay her to rest.

It has been many months since we said our last “I love you” to our little girl, it still hurts terrible.  Those of you who know what I’m going through may be crying with me right now, and for those of you who don’t, you’re lucky, because that was the most painful thing I have ever had to do.  Maybe someday, I will write a story about my little girl, but for now I’ll just get on with this one.

Our whole family mourned her, but Piston, was taking it the hardest.  There was no way we could ever replace Pepper she was one in a million, but he wouldn’t sleep, eat, or play.  He was completely depressed, and that was when we decided he needed a new sister.
I smooch on my kids every chance I get, I just can’t stop myself.  So when we got online to look for puppies, I spotted the cutest little kissable face ever and knew she was the one, and we quickly adopted her.

She was so tiny at only 6 weeks old, the cutest little Beagle you’ve ever seen, and my son named her Patches.  She was so sweet, loved to cuddle and that first week she was already using her puppy pads.  What a sweet, smart daughter we had.  Once again it seemed we had another perfect little puppy!  WRONG!

Our sweet little baby daughter is 4 months old now and for the last month, has been possessed by Doggy Demons, the likes of which I’ve never known.

Our hardwood floors are a light golden cherry color.  The same color as puppy pee, it turns out.  It’s like walking through a field of land mines, just to get to our kitchen.  As for the puppy pads?  Nah, she doesn’t use them anymore.  The only time she goes near them now, is if she feels like tearing something up.

She is as fast as lightening, super sly and has a set of razor sharp teeth that can exert about 200lbs of pressure when she nips.  That’s right, our 12lb daughter, in fact isn’t a Beagle at all.  She is actually a Cheetah/Piranha mix with Fox like tendencies.

Hide-N-Seek is her game of choice.  She plays it every morning, when we try to put her in the Kennel.  She runs under our bed just far enough so you can see her, but can’t reach her.  Once I dove half way under the bed.  Ah ha- I thought I had her- but no.  She ran out, over to where my legs were hanging out and proceeded to chew on my pants!  I’m not nearly as agile as her and by the time I got out from under there and off the floor, the hem of my pant leg looked like an old pin cushion.  Great!

In the last month, I have thrown out four pairs of my shoes.  FOUR!  My husband laughed and said, just go buy some more.  Well duh, why didn’t I think of that?  I don’t know how she gets them anyway; I keep them on my dresser.  I have to take them off one at a time; otherwise she can grab one and be long gone, before I even blink.  She is that quick!

I was sitting on a little chair one morning, putting on my makeup in our bathroom- all was good.  It was a beautiful day outside and I wasn’t running late, I was actually having a great morning- until I stepped into my bedroom.

Apparently in the 15 minutes it took to get ready, we had the worst blizzard ever!  Millions of tiny pieces of toilet paper, no bigger than a dime, covered my bedroom floor.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  How she knocked the brand new mega roll of Charmin, off the holder and managed to sneak by me, I’ll never know!  My great morning came to a screeching halt as steam started to come out my ears. 

Right in the middle of a white cloud of Charmin, was Patches, giving the little brown tube a serious workout.  I clapped my hands and said “NO”, and the little stealth Ninja in question, turned towards me.  Talk about giving someone ‘Puppy eyes’, she’s the best I’ve ever seen.  She dropped the now soggy paper tube, cocked her little head and blinked those sweet little puppy eyes at me.  Well dang!

The steam coming out of my ears, evaporated on contact and my heart turned to mush.  I picked my little demon doggy up and got a big wet kiss, right on my mouth.  I didn’t understand, how something so sweet and adorable, could be so rotten at times and then it dawned on me.

“First they’re sour- then they’re sweet!”

I love my little sour patch puppy and wouldn’t trade her for the world, but I will be very happy when she grows out of this stage!

(Sweet Huh!)


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